

Characters for a Monumental Work of Fiction


"Oh very good, sir."

Manservant beyond reproach, Sims is a faithful gentleman’s gentleman.

His strengths include couture tailoring, preparing a very sincere pot of tea, martial arts, and mastery of a surprising number of languages (both living and dead).  His weaknesses include an overbearing sense of chivalry, which has thus far prevented any romantic endeavours from progressing past a tip of the hat.

Sims has a way of being in the right place at the right time, holding the right implement, ready to serve up anything from cocktails to pain.

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2 Responses to “Sims”

  1. Lisa Says:

    Are you going to write this monumental work of fiction? Or maybe write a screenplay and work him into it? I think it would make an excellent film character!

  2. captainnobeard Says:

    Nope, too hard! Too much work.

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