Party all the time



We’ve got a friend, whom we’ll call “Will,” who occasionally exhorts us to engage in all manner of wacky, illegal, and downright dangerous escapades of frivolity and badassery.  When he does this, we get a chuckle in our bellies, a glimmer of joy in our eyes, and that wonderful sense of hope that it might come true.  This type of suggestive agenda-making is great for anticipation.  You know full-well in your mind that it won’t happen.  No way could it happen!  It would most-likely be very bad if it happened.  But still…what if?  Wouldn’t it be great?  For those of us who have never “raised” any “hell,” it’s enough just to have the prospect suggested.

Harold Lloyd

However, it must be noted that unlike Will, many people lack the gift of suggestion.  They sense the excitement, and they want to be a part of it.  They’ll blurt out a seemingly similar and ridiculous challenge, only to have it met with looks out of the corners of eyes.  Not only does the suggestion fall flat, but it deflates the spirit of the room.  For example:  One of the following proposals is awesome, and the other is lame.  Super lame.  Can you tell them apart?

#1)  “Okay man, we’re going to play a drinking game.  Here are the rules:  Whenever I take a drink from the bottle of wine, you have to take one as well.  And whenever you take a drink from the bottle, I have to take a drink.  Ready?”

#2)  “Dude, we should totally drink this bottle of wine really fast.  We’ll get so drunk.”

Whether you end up drinking the wine or not is inconsequential.  The first offer makes you feel like “this is going to be the party of the year.”  The second offer makes you wish you had stayed home.

So if you’re looking to make this weekend one for the history books, aim high!  Because when we reach for the stars and fall short, we still come closer to achieving our dreams, or some kind of crap like that.  Just don’t do anything stupid.  Also, don’t hang out with frat boys, ever.


The only things you need for a party are two people and the RHCP playing “Love Rollercoaster.” -Will

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